Village Of Odell

Official Minutes of the April 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
Village of Odell, Illinois


Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday April 10, 2017, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm, at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Terry Joyner presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills

Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Mike Nabors

Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner

Guests Present: Adam Dontz, Joe Cleary, Wayne Wilson and Leo Stadel


Mayor Joyner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present.


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Joyner led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting as printed; second by Trustee Joan Bullard;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Joan Bullard, Brian Mills –4;

Nays:  None


Treasurer’s Report

Iris Thorne reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary and MTD Treasurers Report for the month ending March 31, 2017. Bank balances for the month ending March 31, 2017 are as follows:


Odell Checking              $    46,981.53
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM              $   97,086.73
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM             $   83,826.48
Odell MFT Checking            $       500.55
Odell Tourism Checking                $  38,121.49
Odell Water Savings                $  98,370.30
Odell General CD’s              $  229,156.44


Trustee Brian Mills moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Joan Bullard, Brian Mills –4;

Nays:  None


Board Listing Report #937 ran on April 10, 2017 at 11:02am representing all due bills for the Village due in April 2017, and Listing Report #938 ran on April 10, 2017 at 11:28am representing all due bills for Tourism due in April 2017.


Trustee Brian Mills moved to approve and pay all bills on the Board Listing Report #937, dated April 10, 2017, ran at 11:02am, and Board Listing Report #938, dated April 10, 2017, ran at 11:28am;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Police Report

There is no police report available.


Public Forum

A few concerned residents asked the Village to investigate the source of the water that builds up on their street.  The Mayor will consult with Rich Ribordy and the Village maintenance crew to work on resolving the issue.




Clearwell Update

The Clearwell update is moved to Executive Session.


Miscellaneous Old Business





Adam Dontz GLCEDC

Adam Dontz of the GLCEDC gave a presentation on GLCEDC’s various grants available thru the GLCEDC and updated the Board of the past year’s accomplishments.  Questions were answered and the Board thanked Adam for the GLCEDC update.


Miscellaneous New Business

Mayor Joyner announced that Village personnel will be canvassing the Village for abandoned vehicles and vehicles with expired registration stickers this month.


Executive Session – Litigation


Trustee Joan Bullard moved to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session at 7:50pm to discuss the Clearwell Litigation; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Regular Session Resumed


Trustee Brian Mills moved to exit Executive Session and enter into Regular Session at 8:01pm; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Motion by Trustee Joan Bullard to expand the scope of the work to include the liner removal as a cost that we can include in the grant that the Village can be reimbursed; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Executive Session – Personnel Issues


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session at 8:04pm to discuss Personnel Salary and Benefits; second by Trustee Lisa Lambert;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Regular Session Resumed


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit Executive Session and enter into Regular Session at 8:40pm; second by Trustee Joan Bullard;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Trustee Joan Bullard moved to raise Tim Armour $1.00 per hour making his rate $18.50; raise Iris Thorne $1.00 per hour making her rate $17.50; raise Tourism employees from $8.65 to $9.00 per hour which is a $ .35 raise per hour; raise Mike Nabors $2.00 per hour making his rate $14.00 per hour; Iris, Tim and Mike are full-time employees; the girls at the gas station are part-time employees; and I recommend they get this raise effective the beginning of the next fiscal year, May 1, 2017; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –4;

Nays:  Brian Verdun – 1


Trustee Joan Bullard moved to hire Rich Ribordy at $250.00 a month to take care of the water, $150.00 per month to take care of the sewer, and $40.00 per hour if he is hired for anything else and he cannot work over 599 hours per year and he has no benefits; second by Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None


Trustee Lisa Lambert moved to adjourn at 8:45pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills –5;

Nays:  None