Village Of Odell
Official Minutes of the May 14, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
Village of Odell, Illinois
Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday May 14, 2018, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm, at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Acting Mayor Brian Mills presiding and with proper notice having been posted.
Roll Call
Roll call showed the following Trustee members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills
Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Ryan Biernat, Jennifer Leenders
Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner, Nick Ehrgott
Guests Present: Mark Hilleary
Pledge of Allegiance
Acting Mayor Mills led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the April 09, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the April 09, 2018 Regular Board Meeting; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Treasurer’s Report
Iris Thorne reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary and Treasurer’s Report for the month ending April 30, 2018. Bank balances for the month ending April 30, 2018 are as follows:
Odell Checking | $ 25,219.79 |
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM | $ 132,926.60 |
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM | $ 67,556.35 |
Odell MFT Checking | $ 1,1013.53 |
Odell Tourism Checking | $ 26.119.62 |
Odell Water Savings | $ 104,958.59 |
Odell General CD’s | $ 232,086.41 |
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Mark Tissiere;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Board Listing Report #989 ran on May12, 2018 at 7:47am representing all due bills for the Village due in May 2018, and Board Listing Report #990 ran on May, 12, 2018 at 8:32am representing all due bills for Tourism due in May 2018 plus the following late bills: Core & Main 50.18 & 48.36; Kelly Electric 120.26; Brentag 1630.00 & Brentag Cr Memo 600.00.
Trustee Brian Mills moved to approve all bills and the bills on Board Listing Report #989 ran on May12, 2018 at 7:47am representing all due bills for the Village due in May 2018, and Board Listing Report #990 ran on May, 12, 2018 at 8:32am representing all due bills for Tourism due in May 2018 plus the following late bills: Core & Main 50.18 & 48.36; Kelly Electric 120.26; Brentag 1630.00 & Brentag Cr Memo 600.00; second by Trustee Joan Bullard;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Police Report
There was no representation from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office present at the meeting.
Committee Reports
Water & Sewer
Police & Streets, Alleys
Finance Committee – Jamie Johnson gave an overview of the EDA meeting.
Clearwell Update
There are no further updates on the Clearwell Litigation
Illinois Rural Water Debt Charge Recommendation
The board discussed IRWA’s recommendations on a debt charge and rate change, taking into consideration the current expenses and debt incurred due to extensive water system repairs.
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to add a debt repayment charge of $25.00 per utility billing cycle; a 3% automatic increase on the water only every January 1st; and eliminate the minimum gallon’s use and charge a flat rate of $10.92 per 1,000 gallons used – changes to take place with the next utility billing cycle; the debt charge to be revisited every January 1st; second by Trustee Joan Bullard;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Trustee Brian Mills moved to change the Farmers Meter rate to a metered rate of 800 gallons for $10.00 with an annual increase every January 1st of 3%; second by Trustee Joan Bullard;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Miscellaneous Old Business
Mark Hilleary, representing the 4-H Park, stated that the 4-H Park is interested in purchasing the remainder of the ballpark lights that the Village is not using. Ed Legner will double check the State Statute on selling public surplus property – issue tabled.
Mayor Mills noted that he will follow up on all outstanding issues that have been brought to the board for discussion in the past months.
MFT Audit
Iris Thorne reported that IDOT was here and audited our MFT account for the calendar years 2016 and 2017. The General Fund has reimbursed MFT for Snyder Trucking hauling rock in 2017, which was not allowed by MFT.
Gragert Property Donation
Gragert’s would like to donate a small parcel of land to the Village. Issue is tabled for further research.
Lot Subdivision – Tony Noonan
The Village has received a petition from Tony Noonan to subdivide a lot that he co-owns with his wife Patty Peach-Noonan. Ed Legner would like to look into the issue further. Issue is tabled.
Petition on Zoning of 102 S West St.
Brad Grieff has submitted a petition to change the zoning of 102 S West St from residential to commercial.
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to send the Brad Grieff petition to the Planning Commission; second by Trustee Brian Mill;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 5;
Nays: Mark Tissiere – 1
Odell Website
It is noted that the Odell Website needs to be updated.
Personnel Issue
Executive Session
Miscellaneous New Business
It was noted that the spotlight on the Flag at Miller Park needs to be adjusted.
There is a request to look into trains coming thru town and not blowing their horns. Issue tabled until next month.
Executive Session – Personnel
Trustee Brian Mills moved to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session to discuss Personnel issues at 8:52pm; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Trustee Brian Mills moved to exit Executive Session and re-enter Regular Session at 9:09pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Resume Regular Session
Trustee Brian Mills moved to hire Jenni Leenders full time at @14.00 per hour, effective May 15, 2018; second by Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Trustee Lisa Lambert moved to adjourn at 9:10pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None