Village Of Odell
Official Minutes of the November 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
Village of Odell, Illinois
Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday November 13, 2017, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm, at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Acting Mayor Mills presiding and with proper notice having been posted.
Roll Call
Roll call showed the following Trustee members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills
Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Mike Nabors
Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner
Guests Present: Sgt. Bunting, Craig Thomas, Kevin Hannel
Pledge of Allegiance
Acting Mayor Mills led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the October 09, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the October 09, 2017 Regular Board Meeting; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Minutes of the October 30, 2017 Special Board Meeting
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2017 Special Board Meeting; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Treasurer’s Report
Iris Thorne reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary for the month ending October 30, 2017. Bank balances for the month ending October 30, 2017 are as follows:
Odell Checking | $ 131,494.98 |
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM | $ 130,375.56 |
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM | $ 81,201.13 |
Odell MFT Checking | $ 500.77 |
Odell Tourism Checking | $ 36,941.59 |
Odell Water Savings | $ 101,922.60 |
Odell General CD’s | $ 230,643.61 |
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Mark Tissiere;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Board Listing Report #967 ran on November 13, 2017 at 10:12am representing all due bills for the Village due in November 2017, and Board Listing Report #968 ran on November 13, 2017 at 10:30am representing all due bills for Tourism due in November 2017 plus the list of payments due and paid between meetings totaling $ 12,557.09.
Trustee Brian Mills moved to approve and pay all bills listed on the Board Listing Report #967 ran on November 13, 2017 at 10:12am and Board Listing Report #968 ran on November 13, 2017 at 10:20am plus the list of payments due and paid between meetings totaling $ 12,557.09; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Police Report
Sgt. Bunting reported that activity in Odell for the month of October showed there were 37 calls and 3 citations written.
Committee Reports
Water & Sewer – Mark Tissiere, chairman of the Water & Sewer Committee presented a summary of water and sewer rates of surrounding communities.
Trustee Joan Bullard moved to have Acting Mayor Brian Mills to contact Illinois American Water to see what services that they can offer the Village; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
The recommendation of the Water and Sewer Committee is to increase the water rate by 20% and the sewer rate by $1.50 per 1,000 gallons.
Trustee Joan Bullard moved to raise the water rates by 5% every year for the next 4 years and the sewer rate by 5% every year for the next 4 years; Motion withdrawn and changed to 5% raise on the sewer for one year and 5% raise on the water every year for 4 years; Trustee Joan Bullard withdrew her motions.
Trustee Mark Tissiere moved to increase the water rate by 10% for one year beginning on the next water billing cycle; second by Joan Bullard;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard – 4;
Nays: Jamie Johnson; Brian Mills – 2
Trustee Mark Tissiere moved to increase the sewer rate by $ 1.00 per 1,000 gallons for one year beginning on the next sewer billing cycle; second by Trustee Brian Mills;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Mark Tissiere, Brian Mills – 4;
Nays: Jamie Johnson; Joan Bullard – 2
Police & Streets, Alleys – Trustee Brian Verdun reported that the culvert on the South Spur that is on Village Right of Way has not been cleaned out yet.
Acting Mayor Mills reported that the Police Contract automatically renews with no price increase.
Finance Committee – No reports
Clearwell Litigation
Attorney Legner reported that depositions will take place later this month.
Clearwell Liner Contract
Attorney Legner explained the clause in the contract that waives consequential damages and does not recommend the clause. DN tank has stated that this clause is a deal breaker.
Trustee Mark Tissiere moved to accept the terms of DN tank’s contract contingent upon the receipt of payment bond, proof of insurance, performance bond and completion of the exhibits; second by Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Trustee Joan Bullard moved to have Acting Mayor Mills sign the Farnsworth Contract, in the amount of $22,800.00, to oversee the Clearwell liner project; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Village Sidewalk Repair
Acting Mayor Mills explained that MFT money cannot be used to repair the sidewalk in front of Village Hall because of the way the program was set up for this fiscal year. The repair of the Village Hall sidewalk was tabled until the next fiscal year’s MFT Program is in place.
Mediacom Ordinance
The Mediacom Ordinance is tabled until the December Meeting.
Collector Position
Discussion for the Collector Position is moved to Executive Session.
Miscellaneous Old Business
Acting Mayor Mills is in the process of researching the cost of generators for the lift stations. Acting Mayor Mills reported that the furnace in the RO room has been replaced.
Cleaning of the South ditch was discussed further. Attorney Legner presented a map of the property lines running along the South ditch.
Miscellaneous New Business
Executive Session – Personnel Benefits
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to enter into Executive Session at 9:35pm to discuss personnel issues in regards to the Collector position; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit Executive Session and re-enter Regular Session at 9:46pm; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None
Resume Regular Session
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to adjourn at 9:48pm; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, Joan Bullard and Brian Mills – 6;
Nays: None