Odell-BoardVillage Of Odell

Official Minutes of the April 11, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

Village of Odell, Illinois



Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday, April 11, 2016, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm., at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Joyner presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills

Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Rich Ribordy

Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner

Guests Present: Sgt. John Mitchell, James Pozzi

Mayor Joyner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Joyner led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the March 14, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2016 Regular Board Meeting as printed; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None


Treasurer’s Report

Iris Thorne, Clerk, reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary and a MTD Treasurer’s Report. Bank balances for the month ending March 31, 2016 are as follows:


Odell Checking            $   38,582.83
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM            $   225,639.31
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM            $   97,241.25
Odell MFT Checking            $       496.94
Odell Tourism Checking              $   32,117.75
Odell Water Savings              $   92,291.92
Odell General CD’s              $ 226,408.27


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None


Board Listing Report #883 ran on 04/11/16 at 12:10pm representing all due bills for the Village for April 2016, and Board Listing Report #884 ran on 04/11/16 at 12:43pm representing all due bills for Tourism for April 2016 plus an additional bill from Locis for $860.00 were presented for payment approval.


Trustee Brian Mills moved to approve and pay all bills on the Board Listing Report #883 ran on 04/11/16 at 12:10pm and Board Listing Report #884 ran on 04/11/16 at 12:43pm plus the additional bill from Locis for $860.00; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None

Police Report

Sgt. John Mitchell reported that there were 40 calls in Odell for last month. He could not report on a figure for citations or warnings, as they have installed a new system and have not figured out how to report those numbers.


Complaints have been received at the Village of under-aged children driving golf carts around the town. Sgt. Mitchell stated that the Sheriff’s Department needs those complaints to be called in at the time of the incident and the Sheriff’s Department will send an officer to issue a citation under Illinois Statute.


The Village will also send updates to the Sheriff on golf carts that have been registered with the Village and also any that are known to have not been registered. Those currently registered will expire on April 30, 2016.



Route 66 Trail Bids

The state is still without a budget and withholding the grant funds. Route 66 Trail Bids were tabled until the May 2016 Board Meeting.


Bank Proposed Interest Rates Route 66 Project

No action was taken on the proposed interest rates received from two banks due to the hold put on the Route 66 project.


Follow-up – Status of Legal Process for Cleanup of Property 109-111 N Front St.

The board agreed that progress is being made toward the cleanup of the property at 109-111 N Front St and that the cleanup progress will continue to be monitored.


Clearwell Update

Updates to the Clearwell issue will be addressed in Executive Session


Miscellaneous Old Business

Mayor Joyner reported that Conman will be painting our Welcome sign and updating other signs in town in the near future.


Iris Thorne reported that an ad for Rich’s position is ready to go to The Paper and The Daily Leader. The Pantagraph presented price options for 2 days, 4 days and one week, all which include a month of advertising on Monster.com within a 50 mile radius.


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to run the ad in the Pantagraph for one week and also run the ad in The Paper and The Daily Leader; second by Trustee Brian Mills;

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None



Garbage Contract Extension

Jim Pozza, Municipal Services Manager, with Republic Services gave a presentation on extending our current Garbage Contract.


Trustee Brian Mills moved to extend the current contract for three (3) years; second by Mark Tissiere;

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None


2016 – 2017 MFT Program

Mayor Joyner presented the proposed 2016 – 2017 MFT Program to the board and reviewed the details of specific items. The MFT Resolution appropriates $ 57,000 of MFT funds for the maintenance of streets.


Trustee Brian Mills moved to accept the proposed 2016 – 2017 MFT Program Resolution; second by Jamie Johnson;

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None


Liquor Ordinance Amendment

Mayor Joyner advised the board that he has been approached about the possibility of amending our Liquor Ordinance to allow for sales of alcoholic beverages before noon on Sunday. The board discussed the topic and has tabled the amendment request at the present time.


Mayor Joyner stated that our two mowers are getting older and are in constant need of repair. Rich Ribordy has several prices on new mowers. Rich recommends purchasing the Bad Boy Outlaw Ext w/suspension seat for $ 7699.00 and with a $1000.00 trade-in allowance. Rich also recommends that the Village begin a program of trading in mowers every two years in order to maintain a good trade in price.


Trustee Brian Mills moved to purchase one mower for this year, the Bad Boy Outlaw Ext, and look into trading in the other mower on a new mower next year in order to get both mowers on a 2 year trade in rotation program; second by Brian Verdun;

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, and Brian Mills – 4;

Abstain: Mark Tissiere – 1;

Nays:   None


Deed to 104 N Wolf St

Mayor Joyner has been approached by a resident who would like to deed the property at 104 N Wolf St to the Village. The property is in disrepair and needs to be torn down. Attorney Legner indicated that the 1st step would be for the owner to have evidence of a clear title through the Chicago Title Company showing that there are no judgments or liens against the property. Among other issues would be payment of property taxes, asbestos issues, and type of heating system that existed in the home.

The issue is tabled until these questions can be researched and answered.

Miscellaneous New Business

Rich Ribordy reported that last month the chlorination system was leaking and the gas detector failed to set an alarm off, and that is why there was a distinct smell of chlorine gas in the council room. The present chlorination system is out dated by several years and a new chlorination system will cost $ 7,671.14.


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to replace our present chlorination system with a new system at the cost of $ 7,671.14; second by Mark Tissiere;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None

Public Forum

Executive Session – Clearwell


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session to discuss the Clearwell Litigation at 8:32pm; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None

Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit Executive Session at 8:44pm; second by Trustee Mark Tissiere;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None


Regular Session Resumed

Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to adjourn at 8:45pm; second by Trustee Mark Tissiere;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie Johnson, Mark Tissiere, and Brian Mills – 5;

Nays:   None