Village Of Odell
Official Minutes of the May 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting
Village of Odell, Illinois
Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday May 16, 2016, a Special Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm., at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Acting Mayor Jamie Johnson presiding and with proper notice having been posted.
Roll Call
Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Jamie Johnson, Joan Bullard, and Brian Mills
Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Rich Ribordy
Village Attorney Present:
Guests Present:
Acting Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present
The purpose of this Special Meeting is to compose interview questions for the open Superintendent’s Position.
The board proposed and discussed various questions, and an Interview Evaluation Form was developed. It was also decided that employment will be subject to a background check, drug screening, and a physical. Interviewing will take place on Wednesday May 18, 2016 and Thursday May 19, 2016 in the evening. Iris Thorne will contact candidates and schedule the interview times.
The Special Board Meeting ended at 8:07pm. No actions requiring voting were taken.