Village of Odell

Official Minutes of the May 10, 2021, Regular Board Meeting

Village of Odell, Illinois


Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday May 10, 2021, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm, at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Brian Mills presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie McPeek, Rodney Morris, and Tom Russell

Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Jim Rebholz

Village Attorney Present: Nick Ehrgott

Guests Present: Deputy Hoffmeyer, Emily Gall, Trisha Biernat, David Thorne


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Mills led the Pledge of Allegiance


 Minutes of the April 12, 2021 Regular Board Meetings

Trustee Jamie McPeek moved to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie McPeek, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Treasurer’s Report

Board packets contained the Treasurer’s Report and the Year-to-date Fund Summary for the month ending April 30, 2021.  Treasurer Jim Rebholz reported bank ending balances for the month ending April 30, 2021 as follows:


Odell Checking             $    36,501.81
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM             $   127,094.07
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM             $     72,597.41
Odell MFT Checking              $         511.77
Odell Tourism Checking              $     5,658.07
Odell Water Reserve MM              $ 123,820.47
Odell General CD’s              $ 243,358.05
Odell Infrastructure Reserve MM              $    18,726.84



Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the April12, 2021 Treasurer’s Report; second by Trustee Jamie McPeek;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie McPeek, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Board Listing Report #129 ran on May 10, 2021 at 8:43am representing all due bills for the Village due in May; Board Listing Report #130 ran on May 10, 2021 at 10:16am representing all due bills for Tourism due in May; and the between Meeting Paid Bill List for $6,946.68.


Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the Board Listing Report #129 ran on May 10, 2021 at 8:43am representing all due bills for the Village due in May; Board Listing Report #130 ran on May 10, 2021 at 10:16am representing all due bills for Tourism due in May; and the between Meeting Paid Bill List for $6,946.68.


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie McPeek, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Police Report

Sgt. Hoffmeyer from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department reviewed the April Odell Police Activity Report.  The Board discussed speeding issues and stray cat issues with Sgt. Hoffmeyer.


Committee Reports

Water & Sewer –

Police & Streets, Alleys –

Finance –




Resolution to Cash in CD for the Purpose of Paying for Demolition

Resolution to Cash in CD for the Purpose of Paying for Demolition is tabled until the June Board Meeting.


Litigation Regarding 200 E Hamilton St

Attorney Ehrgott informed the Board that a hearing in the matter of 200 E Hamilton St is to take place tomorrow.


Clearing Out Creek by Ball Diamond

Clearing out the creek by the ball diamond cost estimate is $6,700.00.  Issue was discussed and tabled until the June Board Meeting to obtain Rich Ribordy opinion, as there is no drainage issue with the creek.


Zoning Board Recommendation

The garage and pool variance request at 501 N West St. was presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends to approve the garage and pool variances.


Trustee Jamie McPeek moved to accept the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation for the garage and pool variance at 501 N West St; second by Trustee Rodney Morris;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Lisa Lambert, Jamie McPeek, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None

Miscellaneous Old Business

Mayor Mills presented Lisa Lambert and Jamie McPeek with plaque’s thanking them for their years of service as board Members.


Oath of Office was administered as follows:  Brian “Bubba” Mills, Mayor; Iris Thorne, Clerk; Emily Gall and Trisha Biernat, Trustees.



Fence Variance Request

Residents at 207 W Henry erected a 6 ft fence without a building permit. They are requesting a variance as the Ordinance only allows for a 5 ft fence.


In a second request the residents of 108 N West St, which sits on a reverse corner lot, are requesting a fence variance to extend their fence to within 12” of their side lot line.


Trustee Tom Russell moved to send variance requests from 207 W Henry and 108 N West St. to the Zoning Board of Appeals; second by Trustee Rodney Morris;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Emily Gall, Trish Biernat, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Miscellaneous New Business

Mayor Mills informed the Board that Odell is expecting Federal Covid Money which could be used for water/sewer infrastructure.

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session at 8:12pm for the purpose of discussing Annual Salary and Benefits Reviews; second by Trustee Tom Russell;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Emily Gall, Trish Biernat, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Executive Session

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to exit Executive Session and enter into Regular Session at 8:59pm; second by Trustee Tom Russell;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Emily Gall, Trish Biernat, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Regular Session


Annual Salary and Benefits Review

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to issue raises per hour to employee’s as follows: Joe Bolen .50; Tim Armour .25 and Jennifer Leenders .40


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Emily Gall, Trish Biernat, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None


Trustee Trisha Biernat moved to adjourn at 9:02pm; second by Trustee Emily Gall;


Approved by roll call vote:

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Emily Gall, Trish Biernat, Rodney Morris, Tom Russell – 5;

Nays:   None