Village Of Odell
Official Minutes of the April 13, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
Village of Odell, Illinois
Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday, April 13, 2015, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:05pm., at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Joyner presiding and with proper notice having been posted.
Roll Call
Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman
Staff Present: Iris Thorne, Rich Ribordy
Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner
Guests Present: Sgt. John Mitchell, Officer Brian Hoffmeyer, Don Emberling
Mayor Joyner called the meeting to order at 7:05pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Joyner led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the March 09, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the March 09, 2015 Regular Board Meeting as printed; second by Trustee Gary Wykes;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Treasurer’s Report
Iris Thorne, Clerk, reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary and a MTD Treasurer’s Report. Bank balances for the month ending March 31, 2015 are as follows:
Odell Checking | $ 33,162.23 |
Odell Savings | $ 86,203.41 |
Illinois Funds Gen Fund Checking | $ 253,599.99 |
Illinois Funds MFT Checking | $ 84,124.55 |
General Fund CD’s | $ 225,045.31 |
Odell Tourism | $ 24,102.95 |
Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Board Listing Report #826 ran on 04/13/15 at 10:20am representing all due bills for the Village for April 2015, and Board Listing Report #827 ran on 04/13/15 at 10:45am representing all due bills for Tourism for April 2015 were presented for payment approval.
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve and pay all bills on the Board Listing Report #826 ran on 04/13/15 at 10:20am and Board Listing Report #827 ran on 04/13/15 at 10:45am; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Police Report
Sgt. John Mitchell reported that there were 25 calls in Odell for last month; 5 citations; 1 warning. Sgt. Mitchell also reported that there has been an arrest in connection with the Fast Stop robbery last month.
5K Run
Officer Brian Hoffmeyer gave the board an overview of the upcoming 5K run sponsored by the FOP Lodge 186 to be held in Odell on Saturday May 9, 2015. He left signup sheets at Village Hall, the bank, Grocery Store, and Post Office.
Construction Ordinance
Attorney Ed Legner presented the Amendment to the Construction Ordinance with the revised wording to the board.
Trustee Matt Weaver moved to approve the Amendment to the Construction Ordinance; second by Gary Wykes;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Route 66 Trails Grant Project Resolution
Mayor Joyner informed the board that the Village as received the permit from DOT, State of Illinois, to proceed with the Route 66 Trail.
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve a Resolution to proceed with the Route 66 Trail work according to plans; second by Phaela Hodges;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
New Truck Prices
Rich Ribordy presented bid prices for a new truck to replace the White Dodge as follows:
Heller: 42,172.00
Fraher Ford: 38,350.00
Driscols: 38,800.00
Lynn: 38,746.40
Trustee Phaela Hodges moved to purchase the truck from Lynn’s for 38,476.40; second by Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Clearwell Update
Attorney Ed Legner explained that at the last hearing the Judge issued a mandate sometime in May that the other side provide the missing items of Discovery. He also advised that there is to be another hearing this month, requested by the other side, as to whether the liquidating damages are appropriate in this case.
Miscellaneous Old Business
LGDF Resolution
IML has asked Municipalities to adopt a Resolution opposing cutting the local share of state income tax, which Municipalities receive from the State, to 4%. We currently receive 8%.
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the Resolution opposing cutting the local share of state income tax; second by Brian Verdun;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Governor “Turnaround Agenda” Resolution
The Governor has asked the IML to reach out to Municipalities to adopt some or all of his reforms in state government, giving Municipalities local control, which will decrease costs to local governments. The Resolution was tabled until next month.
2015-2016 MFT Program
Mayor Joyner presented the Resolution for the 2015-2016 MFT Program proposal in the amount of $74,000.00. He indicated that the Governor is making cuts in the amount of MFT funds Municipalities receive. Discussion of the proposed program took place.
Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve 2015-2016 MFT Program Resolution for
$ 44,000.00; second by Gary Wykes;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Recommendation for Open Trustee Position
Mayor Joyner informed the board that he recommends Joan Bullard for the open Trustee position;
Trustee Herman Fearman moved to approve Mayor Joyner’s recommendation of Joan Bullard for the open Trustee position; second by Phaela Hodges;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Miscellaneous New Business
Rich Ribordy reported that the lines at the sewer plant are becoming calcified and are in need of cleaning. He is recommending that they be cleaned and that the Village try a new bacteria to control the sludge. It will cost $3,500.0 for the cleaning and to test the sludge, and $ 1,200.00 for a four month bacteria treatment.
Trustee Matt Weaver moved to clean the sewer plant lines and test the sludge for $ 3,500.00 and do the bacteria treatment of the sludge for a 4 month period for $ 1,200.00.
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None
Mayor Joyner announced that next month’s meeting will be changed to Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 7:00pm.
Mayor Joyner issued a special thank you to Ashton Farris for picking up trash along Route 66.
Public Forum
Don Emberling commented about how nice the fire hydrants look since they have been painted and also what a good job Terry did cleaning up the spur going south of town along the railroad track. He hoped that the Village had plans to finish painting the remaining fire hydrants and cleaning along the railroad track going north this year.
Trustee Gary Wykes moved to adjourn at 8:50pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;
Approved by roll call vote:
Yeas: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman – 6;
Nays: None