
Village Of Odell


Official Minutes of the Mar. 07, 2013 Special Board Meeting

Village of Odell, Illinois


Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Thursday Mar. 07, 2013, a Special Board Meeting was held this date at 6:30pm., at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Noonan presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver, and Herman Fearman

Staff Present:

Guests Present:

Village Attorney Present:  Ed Legner with associate Nick Ehrgott

Mayor Tony Noonan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Tony Noonan led the Pledge of Allegiance.



Mayor Noonan indicated the need to enter into executive session to discuss the clearwell issue.


Trustee Brian Verdun moved to enter into executive session at 6:31pm to discuss the clearwell issue; second by Trustee Herman Fearman;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to exit executive session at 7:25pm; second by Trustee Brian Mills;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved that we exercise the termination of MPC being in default of the contract and file this notice of determination of default of MPC and Westchester Fire and Insurance Co; second by Brian Mills;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None



Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to investigate into the hiring of an independent expert who can analyze our issues with the clearwell and the installation of the liner; second by Brian Mills;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved that we start the process flowing in regard to court action against MPC, not to include the actual filing, but the ground work; second by Matt Weaver;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved that we ask Andrews to go into the preparation of the bid process on our clearwell liner project; second Brian Mills;


Rejected by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver – 3;

Nays:   Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Herman Fearman, Mayor Noonan – 4;


Police Contract

Randy Wittenberg and Mary Fannin were not able to be present.  No discussion or action taken.


Trustee Herman Fearman moved to adjourn at 7:35pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Brian Mills, Matt Weaver and Herman Fearman – 6;

Nays:   None